Universal law states that entropy is always acting to spread things apart in the universe. Big Bang says that entropy decreased, and everything came together before the Big Bang. The Big Bang is impossible. It breaks universal law. The universe is moving downhill from cause to effect by universal law.

We know the impossible happened. But science cannot explain how it happened. An uncaused cause, THE ONE, acted from outside the universe with universal law not applicable to start the Big Bang.

Who is THE ONE?

THE ONE is that uncaused cause from outside the universe and the domain of universal law, space and time. THE ONE gives every human life, sentience, free will and consequences to their actions so that their decisions really matter. THE ONE gives to every human an eternal soul to have communion for all eternity, with the mortal putting on an immortal body. THE ONE gives all humans unselfish, unconditional love that is THE ONE’s agape love. THE ONE
